Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Countdown Begins

Two weeks from today and I'll be ending training! Since coming back from our site visit I've been ready to get out to my future home. It's kind of like having senioritis all over again. But I know that I'll miss my host family here and the other volunteers, so I'm trying to make the most of my last days in Misaka West.

I've had more opportunities to teach since the last post-2x in Kioba Village at the school (both classes were about 71 students each) and then again this last week in Kamfinsa. I'm loving teaching, the students all stay after class and talk with us too, so it seems like we are connecting at some level. I'm eager to be in my village where I can establish relationships with people and just do life! I think that is were I will see behavior change take place, more than me just talking in front of a group of people.

Had a great experience at Zam church on Sunday. I went with some other vounteers and then my host mom, Grace. The singing was amazing and I understood 2 words that the pastor spoke! It is in a different language than I am learning though, so I didn't feel too bad. It definetly made me miss CCR and all my family there.

Please be praying for me on Friday and then Wednesday of next week. I have my final language proficiency interview. I miss you all!


rmjones911 said...

Everyone reading cait's blog- you can view her photo album on yahoo by clicking HERE
As of right now- I don't think she has uploaded any pictures, but you can view her other albums...

CAITLIN said...

Thank you all for the posts! It makes it pretty easy to read thru emails. Sorry for all the confusion with my photos-and I don't have my camera with me today so I can't upload-next time though! Thanks for your prayers, I am definetly feeling God's peace and presence thru this whole experience. Meg-can't wait to get your package! Dana-I got your email and hopefully you've gotten mine by now, PO BOX 630569 Choma, Zambia, AFRICA. Ry-You are the best for putting that link on, I am totally getting stupider when it comes to technology, the lack of electricity in the village makes it hard. Lori-that is rad about the article! PEPFAR had put a ton of money into Zambia (it is one of the target countries) as well as USAID and the UN, so hopefully we can figure out how to change dollars into lifestyle changes for these amazing people. Keep the posts coming - it makes me feel important! : )