Friday, August 10, 2007

Back to the Bush

Sorry, sorry! Should have written sooner to let you all know I have indeed made it back to the bush safely. It has been a crazy last couple of weeks. I got out of the States, made it thru London, and into Zambia just fine. I had fun celebrating the big *27* here with friends. The fact that I could hand over American goodies to them made me quite the hit at my own party! In my honor they opened up a new grocery store (SPAR a South African chain)in Choma town. I know the fact that I am writing to the US about a grocery store makes me a complete loser, but you have no idea the ecstasy that comes when you can find both cinnamon and toothpaste in the same store. It is the Truth, I'm telling you.

Right away I had 4 visitors to my place in Chifusa. They are new Peace Corps trainees who wanted to see what life was really like out here! They are going to be sworn in as volunteers next week as long as I didn't scare them too much! I think showing people that, although long and tedious, it is possible to make and cook eggrolls over an open fire should only add to their repetoire of survival skills. They also got to teach at Girls Club, Chifusa Basic School, and help with Club Mweka. Which leads me to my next topic...

Club Mweka basically rocks. It was so fun to reunite with all of the kids in the group. They sang a 'welcome back' song to me, brought all of us tons of Zambian food, and had a blast getting letters from pen pals back in the states. Which made me think I should probably leave more often! For those of you who are pen pals with one of the kids from our club---they already love you and they are writing letters back that I should be sending next week. We taught them some new 'American' Games - duck/duck/goose, as well as Red Rover/Red Rover. Well, to be honest I taught them duck/duck/chicken as I have no idea what the word for goose is in Chitonga. It has the same general idea. They however had already player Red Rover, so that was nothing new to them. But if you think I am the only one that substitutes words, well think again. As I'm listening to them chant, I hear, "Land Rover, Land Rover, send Lydia right over." Red Rover, Land Rover...whatever.

Monday through Wednesday of this last week I had a training at the school with 15 students that were chosen by the teachers to be HIV/AIDS Peer Educators. The training went awesome, and I am really excited to work with these kids. Two of my counterparts from the village, Getrude Kayawe and Omsley Mudenda were with me throughout the training to help translate and teach and together we were able to really reach the students. Our last day we had each of them make an action plan for how they are going to reach out to their peers in the village and at school. We are going to meet monthly to continue to move forward with getting the information out about HIV. In Zambia 78% of all new infections are sexually transmitted so with the youth we are really focusing on making educated decisions regarding sex. I'm excited to see where the next year will take this group of peer educators and how we can partner together to really reach out to our community.

Yesterday I cycled into town to continue some fund-raising efforts for our GLOW (Girls Leading Our World) Camp that is set for the 21st-25th of August. We are working with local business owners to try and raise money and supplies for the camp. We really want to see the Zambian people invest in their girls! Our efforts are going ok, but I am also putting word out there to anyone back home that wants to be involved. It is about $40USD to sponsor a girl for the 5 days they will be at Camp. This includes transportation, lodging, food, etc. Each Peace Corps Volunteer is bringing 2 girls from their village to the camp. The idea is to train them in leadership and life skills, with a focus on them going back to the village to start a Girls Club with their Peace Corps volunteer. It is also going to be a really fun time for the girls to get away from all the duties that they have at home. For 5 days they will get to have someone else cook for them, they'll have running water, and they will get to meet other girls their age from throughout Zambia. We have a movie night, theme party night (come on-you know me), and Talent Show planned. It is going to be great. So if you would like to sponsor a girl to go to camp I am asking you to contact me! You can sponsor her for the full $40 or send whatever is possible. Email me at, or respond in comments. The easiest way to get money to me here is through Western Union, but there is a $25 fee to send money, so ideally we can have everyone send checks to one person and then have them send the money to me over here. Get back with me as soon as possible if you are interested.

I think all of you are officially caught up on my life for now. I will try and post on here at least once a month-so keep checking back! It has been lonelier being back here after getting to spend time with a lot of you that I love so much. I'm excited to make the most of this last year and then get home!!!

[Photos: Rocky & His awesome collar!/Club Mweka Kids with Letters/Peer Educators]


Anonymous said...

Hi Cait- and everyone- if you want, you can have people send Girl's Camp Sponsoring $ to me... and I'll send it to you via Western Union. Let me know if that would work- if so, feel free to post my address for people to send checks to. :) Love ya!

Cousin Kimee

CAITLIN said...

Thanks Kimee! I will have everyone send the checks to you and then you can just Western Union money to me. If you have any questions on the Western Union part, feel free to call Shelby Burden from CCR-she has done it before and all went smoothly. You need to email me with a life update too! : )

CAITLIN said...

SAN DIEGO, CA 92120-1030