Monday, October 29, 2007

From Andrea

My buddy arrived! And with her came lots of goodies from home and even a video of Colorado in fall/winter and lots of familiar faces! Here is how the trip is going so far in her words...

Hello All!! Hope this finds you well! I have made it safely to Zambia and have just now been able to get to an internet cafe to update everyone! I had a great trip from Denver to Lusaka (minus the drunk Rockies fan, nose-picking seat-mate and man with magnifying glass to personal TV screen). It has been such a treat to travel with Caitlin and see these people with whom she is sharing her life. We have filled each day. Day #1 toured the garden and "zoo" where one of Cait's Peace Corps friends resides...and where we are staying while in Lusaka. Day #2 Caitlin surprised me with a birthday gift - 1 hour massage at African resort. After that was a day full of shopping...which of course I loved (especially with Caitlin doing bartering for me)!! Today we were supposed to fly to Tanzania...and by that I mean we had a scheduled flight on Zambian Airways in which they had failed to mention that the flight just so happened to be changed to tomorrow. So...they have put us up at hotel and we will fly to Tanzania tomorrow. minor set-back is only to be expected when in Africa (thus far). We are very excited for Tanzania. We will be going on safari, seeing Mt Kilimanjaro, and going to relax on the beaches of Zanzibar. We are scheduled to return on Nov 2 to Zambia...and by that I mean we have a scheduled flight with Zambian Airways...but what does that really mean? =)

I have compiled a small list of things I have learned thus far while in Zambia:

1. Left side of the road, steering wheel on the ride side, swerving to avoid collision with bicyclists, livestock and pedestrian = Driving in African taxi
2. True to Life = Objects carried on the head
3. Trouser = Pants
Pants = Underwear
Short shorts = Prostitue
4. Greeting 10 Zambians = 10 hellos
5. A little British, a little American, a little Zambian = how Caitlin speaks with Zambian people
6. 2000 kwatcha = price when Andrea speaks
1000 kwatcha = price when Caitlin speaks (see #5)
7. 4000 kwatcha = 1 USD
1000 kwatcha = Andrea still confused
Any money transaction = "Caitlin, so how much is that?"
8. 18 people in mini-bus = 1 trip to town with room for more
9. Drinks poolside, outdoor shower, hair pull, toe pop, tummy rub and zit clear = 1 African massage
10. Visit with kindred spirit = priceless

More to come if and when we actually return from Zambia! Love ~ Cait


The Hartmans said...

How fun!! Just think of all the countries you two have been to together! I miss both of you!

rmjones911 said...

Zanzibar! That is like my dream vacation. Hope you guys take a lot of pics.

Kimberlee West said...

Oh my gosh- I'm laughing so hard right now! Andrea I'm so jealous... I can't wait to visit!!! :)

CAITLIN said...

Your time will come my little cousin!