Friday, October 19, 2007

Prayer Requests

I know many of you are praying for me and wanted to give you some specific things to pray for this next week.

*VCT EVENT (Wednesday, October 24th)
On Zambian Independence Day I am hosting a Voluntary Counseling and Testing event in Chifusa. Pray that God will move people to action to be tested and find out their HIV status. Only 8% of the people in Zambia have actually tested-this is a huge obstacle in the battle against the virus. I'll post information and photos next week after the event to give you all an update.

*Mrs Mpongo
My close friend, Zambian surrogate mother, and the only medical staff at our clinic is in the hospital. She has been running a high fever for about a week now, is incredibly weak, and has lost a great deal of weight due to a previous bout of malaria. I spoke with one of her nurses at the hospital today and they are continuing to run tests. Pray that God will give the doctor's wisdom and heal her.

*Andrea's Trip
My traveling buddy extraordinaire arrives in Zambia next Saturday. Pray for a safe trip for her and that God will use this trip to give me much needed rest and encouragement.


rmjones911 said...

Hey Cait. Hope you have fun with Andrea. Temp is starting to really drop out here. High on Sunday is only supposed to be in the low 40's. I am sure that you are missing our fall colors. Hang in there. We are very proud of you and miss you. You are making a difference, even if you think that it may be a very small difference...

Love, Ry and Bren

Anonymous said...

Only SIX days until a little bit of home comes to you! I can't wait to see you and see where you live and the lives you are touching! Oh yeah, and go to the beach and see some crazy wild animals, etc, etc.

The Hartmans said...

We're praying for you. Did you get my email about support?
that's going to be so fun having Andrea there. Take tons of pics.
Oh, and you'll be excited to know I updated my blog. For the record, I started it last summer (so that makes 5 posts in 14 months). Okay, I could do better.