Monday, November 19, 2007


I will continue with the November list of some of my favorite and least favorite things...

LOVE: Eating Outside
Maybe it's your back deck, or an African chikuta, perhaps the patio at a great restaurant, wherever it is, eating outdoors makes the meal better. You get to have fresh air, it's usually not so noisy, you can people watch or animal watch, and if you drop something on the floor you don't have to clean it up later. What is there not to love?

HATE: Obnoxious Drunks

Somehow alcohol makes even a wallflower feel the need to sing to, heckle at, or just annoy anyone in the vicinity. Now I have no problem with people drinking a glass of wine. Or sipping a margarita. Or gulping down a cold ale. But please, don't mix all of these and find your way to a place near me. You are not welcome.

LOVE: Rainstorms When I am Inside Wrapped in a Blanket

Something about the sound of rain on a windowpane or rooftop brings me peace. I think it goes back to my deep love for all things water. I love being snuggled inside and feeling safe and warm. In college, K and I would find our way to Mimi's cafe and I loved getting corn chowder and warm muffins. That is the best rainy day food.

HATE: Being in Rainstorms While Wet and Cold and Miserable

Yeah, that really needs no explanation. I hate that.

LOVE: When People Comment Back on Their LoveHate Ideas
Go now. Do it. You can even be anonymous. It is therapeutic.


Erin Stroup said...

Oh Caitlin. Here are a few things along the lines for LoveHate for the Thanksgiving Holiday:

Hate sitting in Atlanta traffic for 2 hours to go ten miles because everyone and their mom is going out of town for the holiday.

Love having a few days off to sleep in to all hours of the day and stay in my PJ's until I feel like it and sip apple cider while blogging (hence what I am doing right this second)

Hate waiting in a line 100 people long at the grocery store to get everything holiday because all 4 million people of Atlanta are also shopping for turkey and stuffing.

Love that I can get a Turkey all plucked, cleaned and frozen!

Love having people over to share a terrific meal with the table all set and decorated (Even if is your in-laws that are staying for 2 weeks in your tiny house!)

And one more love, (I think I may love Thanksgiving more then hate) I love being able to get up at 5am and buy some sweet gifts for friends and family (as well as me) and get a sweet deal. I even bought a few things for the Britt and I's trip in Februaries!

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Know that I think of you and pray for you often and am sorry I am not better at writing. Take Care and have a great day.

Kelly Ann said...

Hello, dahling!

Hate (such a strong word!)- having to sign up for an account to comment to you.
Love (I like that word!)- being able to comment to you.

Hate that Africa is so far away.
Love that you are really making a diffrence and changing lives.
You rock sista and are fab-u-li!!!
Love you!

Andrea said...

Any form of transport that allows me to see my buddy in Africa

somewhere between hate and hate is what I feel for the bus ride between Arusha and Dar and any small vehicle that contains me and 60 other people + livestock + crazy drunk men

Being in the moment when we laughed so hard you peed your pants

Being in the moment when you had to hand-wash those pants...they will never quite be the same...maybe you should let Mrs Kapuwe have a go at washing them