Friday, May 02, 2008

The K has arrived

Kimee here - Caitlin and I have switched blogs for a few days; we all know that Cait is the writer of the family, so I'm afraid you're getting the bum end of the deal here. (Check out her post on my blog here). I can't believe I'm finally in Africa! It's already been so amazing, especially having time to sit and talk with Cait about her life here the past few years. We've already had some great chats about development, AIDs & poverty... along with very insightful/intellectual conversations about really important issues such as Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' marriage. Caitlin is a wonderul host, and I feel so lucky to be able to have this experience with her! Despite her feeling a bit under the weather, she is being a trooper and not letting me miss one minute of the whole Zambia experience. I think that so far, the hightlight of the trip has been listening to Caitlin switch from English to "Zam-English" (really quite amuzing). We're in Livingston the next few days, taking a canoe trip tomorrow and then visiting Victoria Falls. And I'm so excited to get to Cait's village, to see and experience a little taste of what her life has been like the past 2 years. After hearing so many stories and learning the names of her dear friends in the village, I can't wait to actually meet everyone.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I'm so looking forward to hearing all the stories and see all the pics of your time together! I know this trip will change your perspective on life, Kimee, because it did mine!! Have sooo much fun and just know that you, too, will begin speaking Zam-lish by the end of the trip!