Monday, April 28, 2008

The K is on the Way

My dear friend and cousin is flying out and will be here on Thursday! I absolutely cannot wait to see her face and spend time with her. We have had plenty of adventures, from AMAZING dance/cheerleading/rollerblading routines in the garage, to road trips from Southern California all the way to Colorado without a roof on the car. I can only imagine what the 20 days in Africa will hold! Pray for her safety as she travels on British Airways and for our time together! She is a brilliant photographer and I am sure will have some amazing snaps from the trip. We will be sure to post for your viewing pleasure.

And if the "A" of "ACK Cheerleaders" is reading this, well, we wish you were going to be here for a perfect trio of cheer.


Kimberlee West said...

YAY! Are you ready for me??? :) I'm hanging out in London at the moment, fighting the jet lag with a big cup of coffee and exploring the city streets. Tomorrow I'll be on the last leg of my journey - can't wait to see your face! ACK cheerleaders, unite.

Ann of Newbery st. said...

Cait,I just caught up on all your blogs!Glad to see K made it to London,she'll be with you soon.What an awesome time I pray for the two of you to have!Laughing,crying,sharing,daring!Sorry the A of AKC is not able to join you,she's teaching her first graders.T got another job offer yesterday,now we just need her house to sell.Dev will be home 2 weeks from tomorrow,Jordy a week later.I have about 3 weeks of school left. Yesterday I made our Dec Broadmoor Brunch reservation.It is so fun to actually allow myself to think of doing things with you again,IN THIS YEAR!Love your mama!